Weeknote 11th November 2022
This week I have been focussing a lot on inclusion. There are lots of strands of work across the system looking to make what we do in the NHS more inclusive at both a policy, design practice and front-line level. I want to move our inclusive design work forward but need to knit it together with these other strands first to make sure we are all making the best use of the stretched resources we do have.
I have also been working with colleagues to deliver the capabilities workstream, meeting with cross-health UCD ops leads, with benefits colleagues in NHSE, going through current ops model data and meeting with the user research leadership team. I also enjoyed this blog post from Pete about UCD in the regions, how they are better placed to do UCD than the centre and how the NHS is incredibly inclusive but also exclusive at the same time https://medium.com/@peter.nuckley_21612/user-centred-design-in-the-regions-83bc8e8be398
The UCD ops team have been working hard to get our user research lab launch delivered next week. Our CEO will be doing the official opening with members of our exec and senior leadership coming along to be shown around the labs and what they can do. It’s great to have their backing for the lab and our work. Life is never perfect, but our organisation has come a long way in the value it places on user research and user centred design, and this is a visible sign of it. Having the in-house capability also means there is no excuse for our senior leadership or anyone else not to get closer to our users — the lab is a few floors down from where they work and meet, plus we can stream right to their desks.
Over the past few weeks there have been a few things that have been frustrating, so I’ve had a think about it all and moved into practical action to sort it mode. It has meant stretching my capacity even more, but I already feel better for the small actions I have made so far. It has also led to me connecting different pieces of work across the different NHS organisations so it’s a win-win for everyone.
Some of the things I will be involved in next week:
- User research lab launch
- Digital Technology Assurance Board
- NHS D design justice group
- Mid-year review conversations with the team
- Two whole days back-to-back in the office with colleagues!